The days are closing much quickly than ever before. Once the day seemed too long, now it seems to short. The reasons for this is the age we live in. There are more things to occupy us now like television, computers and game consoles.
People are forgetting that God is control of the weather, the beauty that is surrounding us, and relationships with one another. Instead people are relying too much on man made objects to keep them busy rather than spending quality time worshipping and studying the word of God as well as with one another.
The more that new inventions come onto the market, the more we want it. But sometimes these things cost too much money, so many people resort to stealing.
God sees this as a sin, breaking both civil and God's law, as it is written clearly in both the Old and New testament...Thou shalt not steal.
Now we live in an age with security cameras, it is making it harder to steal from shops, and from one another. But we all have to be on our guard over identity theft which is becoming rife during this age of technology where there are little measures in place to stop this.
However this is the only one of two commandments that are made into civil law.
1. Thou shalt not kill.
2. Thou shalt not steal.
Both of these commandments are of punishable offence, and lead to a term in prison defined by the Judge and the court of civil law.
In Philippians 2:4 KJV...
Look not every man on his own things, but everyman also on the things of others.
In other words do not look at the things that other people possess, but to things that reflect the creation of God, and to come to worship God for he is our creator. The more we look to God we realise that it is God that always provides for us, and so there is no need to steal. We just need to put our faith and trust in our creator, as he gives us everything that we need in order to survive in this life.